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Reasons to Juice: A Detox Journey

Big Nate • Jul 13, 2020

Juicing has allowed me to relieve stress, explore my health journey, and overall become a more patient person. Juicing takes ALL of the concentrated nutrients, minerals, and vitamins and leaves it in a bottle for you to drink! Drinking natural and fresh cold pressed juice not only boosts your immune system but it heals and rejuvenates cells. When done regularly, the body is able to detox.

Detoxes can be done as followed:

3 day detox 

5 day detox 

7 day detox 


With each detox, you will have 4 juices a day (1 for breakfast, 2 for lunch, and 1 for dinner). Following this discipline for the time window of the detox will not only flush out toxins but it gives your body a deep restoration from food and other toxins put in it from previous encounters. It helps digestion and allows the gut to work better.

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